Thursday, April 10, 2008


Well, today was tiring and eventful. So I find this blogging thing relaxing, so I'll continue to do it. I entitled this one and there is a reason for there here is the reason. If your CHM(Conservative Holiness Movement) or not you might just like this site and the forums are great as well.
The forums are great as I stated but there was a topic called, Would you Recommend to Your Christian Friends? My answer to this is Yes, and not only to my christian friends but to all my friends. I've tried to get my pastor to join or at lest check it out and I don't have a clue if he has, but maybe he will someday.

Well Till Next Time


Angie D said...

Congratulations, Brandon. In one week's time, you have doubled the length of your blog! :)

Brandon Miller said...

Well I try. *evil grin*